An Evening of Zen – Online

6:00 pm - 8:30 pm, Tuesday January 14, 2025
Online - Presented by Long Beach Meditation

2025 Dates
January 14th ~ April 22nd ~ July 22nd ~ September 23rd

Join us for an evening of Zen meditation. We will alternate periods of zazen (seated meditation) and kinhin (walking meditation). Jokai Roshi will offer an opportunity for one-on-one private interview, followed by a dharma talk. Our meeting will be conducted in essential silence with guidance offered at the beginning.

A one-on-one interview is a private meeting with a teacher to discuss your meditation practice and ask any questions you might have. Interviews are optional for newcomers and encouraged for regular practitioners.

This meeting is suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators. Attendance is particularly encouraged for those wishing to deepen their realization of Zen. This evening retreat is offered quarterly.


6:00PM – Welcome and Introductions
6:05PM – Zazen, Seated Meditation
6:35PM – Walking Meditation
6:40PM – Zazen, Seated Meditation
7:10PM – Walking Meditation
PLEASE NOTE: One-on-one interviews take place in a private break-out room during the sitting and walking meditation. Interviews are optional.
7:15PM – Dharma Talk with questions and comments
8:00PM – Closing

Registration and Payment

The class is being offered for $25. For LBM Sustaining Members, we are offering the course at a discounted rate of $20.

Please see Long Beach Meditation’s event page to register.